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My pet theory is that there is some primary flaw from evolution that causes us to form societies and in cycles go from poor,to prosperous,to carefree,reckless,and then ruin. What the primary flaw is i do not know.. but historically this has repeated itself in perpetuum.

and now that we are connected,more than ever,we are individually more disconnected and divided than ever and monitored 24/7. I fear that perhaps, this primary flaw has now through technology found a way to manifest itself and make itself permanent in the worst ways possible, making re-juvenation and re-birth,new renaissances..all but impossible and people left with not rights,but permissions. Untill noone remembers the difference.

And if we cannot find the primary flaw and counter it.. well, i don’t know enough nor am i educated enough to speculate far into the future but i fear our dreams and aspirations of reaching further inwards and expanding further outwards into the stars may both be choked and perverted, and humanity as a whole, will in a century or sooner peak and then decline..ever more with each decade untill we either eradicate ourselves or live perpetually trapped on this rock and within systems someone created but no one really controls anymore,they control us all.

But i hope i am very wrong, and that it is just my lack of study in fields that would give me insight into these things that have me thinking these thoughts.

/Jon Kovach

Someone who thinks too much, and frequently gets a headache.

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